It will be done, I’m not going to try - Kanye West to run for president

Remember in 2015, when Kanye West revealed plans to run for president in 2020, well the Chicago rapper is still very much interested and has disclosed that not only will he run in 2024, he will win without much effort.

He shared his new plans on a radio station, when asked if he still wanted to place his bid.

“Yes, 100 percent it could happen… 2024. If I decide to do it, it will be done, I’m not going to try.”

Yeezy has begun his campaign as he reveals his goals as President,
“One of my main things, once I’m president, is the medical industry. I’m going to make sure it flourishes… When I run, I’m not going to f-ck up the money. What I like about being the founder of a $1.8 billion company is awesome training, because America is a company.”

He also mentioned having learned leadership skills from his father and civil rights from his mother, he considers himself fully equipped to rule America.

Do you think Kanye West can rule America with Kim Kardashian as his first Lady?


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